
By appointment

Intuitive Reiki

or Psych-K

one hour $120

In person, Face Time, facebook messenger and phone all available


Using the practices of Reiki and Clairvoyance we we access your higher aspects and wisdom. With the gently balancing reiki I receive messages and images for you which you may find useful, pertinent, loving and comforting. I am not psychic but for decades have received information in sessions that seems to really help people in navigating their current circumstances. Whether or not you choose to know what I have seen in the session, the beautiful loving and healing reiki energy will work its’ blessings in the session and afterwards.

Coming to Psych-K as a client, I was so blown away was by the effects, I knew I wanted to train immediately and have been practicing as an Advanced Facilitator for thirteen years. This technique works on transforming limiting beliefs you may not even know you had to create the pathways and changes you seek.

All these tools assist you to align with your inherent truth, wisdom, clarity and love. 

Face time, phone and facebook messenger make it easy to fit a session into your day or come to my place.




Psych-K stands for Psychological Kinesiology. This process assists your subconscious mind, releasing beliefs and patterns no longer serving you and replaces them with beliefs you choose. Through muscle testing, talking, visioning, affirming and using whole-brain techniques we align your conscious and subconscious minds and build new neural pathways leading to your desired states and outcomes. It differs from hypnosis in that no trance state is needed whilst permission protocols ensure we navigate your highest good and you control your process. For me, Psych-K has laid fears to rest and helped dreams come true.


Tapping blends Chinese acupressure with modern psychotherapy to clear and transform negative thoughts, emotions and blocks. I sometimes imagine it as energetic alchemy or housework. As we tap together on ourselves and talk through your process, transformations occur. Physical pain can often be relieved too. Tapping is easily learnt and works quickly. When stressed and time poor I have been known to tap whilst sitting on the loo! A brilliant tool for modern life, Nick Ortner has a great book and website on it -


I've been assisting clients with my energy work for twenty years. Once you’re comfortable I tune into your energy. Here I often see pictures or symbols, receive messages and sense feelings, shifts and alignments. Then I relay to you what I've seen and felt and you may wish too also. The process is relaxing, reassuring and gentle.

Angela is amazing. She brings such kind empathy and generous warmth to her sessions, allowing me the safety to express my innermost thoughts, emotions and fears. She has such a gift of holding these, honouring positives I couldn’t see and working with me to turn issues around. Thank you so much Angela for helping me break through the darkness into the light.”
— Clare
I had never experienced Psych-K before, but Angela recognised how stressed I was feeling about the upcoming birth of my second child (following a very traumatic first birth) and suggested a session could help. Later that evening I reflected on my feelings about the birth and realised my fears and anxieties were simply not there. Gone! I can’t describe how transformative the experience was for me - I went from being literally fearful for my life to accepting, calm and optimistic. All my doubts were replaced with a kind of ‘knowing.’ And I am happy to report that, although still very painful, the birth was a totally stress-free and successful event.
— Name withheld
That was absolutely incredible Dearest Angela. You truly have a divine gift of sight. It was as if you could see into the depths of my heart, to the essence of my Being and of my Becoming and you held it all with the utmost tenderness, respect and loving kindness. I feel so deeply honoured to have received this reading from you at this time.
— Jo
Angela helped me through an extremely difficult time in my life where I had multiple challenges piling up at the same time, I had a lot of stress as well as other overwhelming emotions.
The work we did together was an absolute lifeline, it helped me process and move through the problems with strength and clarity. Angela was a shinning light for me with her unconditional love and supreme kindness. I found the integrity and generosity Angela always shows to be an inspiration to restore my faith in goodness. She helped me to re-align with a healing energy and this had immeasurable benefits for me and my family.
— Annabelle
I feel SO much better! I definitely have ha d a massive shift, so thank you so much. I really feel like I’ve got this and I can do it...Thanks again, I really do feel like a new woman!”
— Zoe